
Cyber Gallery

2020년 2학기 졸업작품


Future Transportation Platforms Based on Mobility Services

프로필 사진

Park, Geum-bi Space Design Program, Class of 2021, Instructor : Chae, Min Kyu

In 2040, when the means of transportation are automated and shared, the use of shared mobility will become a routine form, and the transportation platform will also face a new paradigm based on shared services. This project seeks to propose a new look at the changing future transportation platform as it develops into a shared society.

The project was carried out with the aim of creating an international hub through the connection between mobility in Songdo, a futuristic city with high-tech information networks. Together with the U-complex transit center, Songdo's existing transportation platform, it provides a space to further enhance the function of a mobile-linked hub, allowing people to experience a new future transportation space in their daily lives when they transfer to shared personal mobility after using public transportation. Through the introduction of various programs corresponding to future society in this linked hub space, we hope that people will naturally interact with each other while promoting Songdo and providing convenient services of mobility.

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설계성과 이미지

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