Cyber Gallery
2023 Semester 1 Graduation Degree Projects
Proposal of a local community base through public bath renovation
PARK JINJU Korean Traditional Architecture Program, Class of 2023, Instructor : Han, Jiman
NEWTRO ALLEY aims to maintain the memory and place of the disappearing public bath and utilize the surrounding residential sites to secure insufficient physical space. The newly proposed space composition aims to ensure that traces of existing houses and villages remain in the space.
Specifically, through the exposure of baths, machinery rooms, and chimneys, we would like to recall past memories of bathhouses and expand the community by using scale and materials that reflect the surrounding architectural context to form a new locality. In addition, it is hoped that daily space will be out of routine and extraordinary space will be made into daily life, increasing the utilization of space and the frequency of encounters, and naturally capturing individual stories and stacking them to form a base for a new neighborhood community.